Roy Rogers Show was a 30-minute Western series aired initially on Mutual from November 21, 1944 to May 13, 1951, and later on NBC from October 5, 1951 to July 21, 1955. This Christmas episode aired on NBC December 21, 1951. Through its 6-year run, it was able to come up with a total of 348 episodes. The Roy Rogers Radio show changed shape and format during it's ten year run. It was originally a western music and variety show. The shows from the early 50's are still in the earlier mode of some action in a storyline, whether it be outlaws, or tall tales, or a good old-fashioned deed to the ranch cliffhanger. Somewhere the story is broken up by song, with "The Sons of the Pioneers" and Roy and Dale. The music was always first rate Hollywood-style western music, excellently played. Roy featured other singers as well, some not country or western. (